Security Offenses
The term securities includes: stocks, bonds, warrants and commercial securities that have a certain monetary value. Those who are authorized to issue the securities are a public company, a cooperative or the government. Securities are traded on the stock exchange, which is a regulated and supervised market, where buyers and sellers meet to make transactions. Most transactions are executed on the stock exchange, but there are also off-exchange transactions that are usually executed by institutional entities. The value of securities traded on the stock exchange varies continuously daily depending on supply and demand. A commercial security is an undertaking by the company to pay the holder of that security a sum of money.
The Securities Act defines a large number of criminal offenses, for example: use of inside information, fraud, deception, giving a report or confirmation mentioned in the prospectus knowing that they have a misleading detail, etc.
Our firm accompanies the suspect in securities offenses from the initial stages of the investigation and provides ongoing advice and representation at all stages of the criminal proceedings